Harita Group - Various Positions
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Based in Maluku:
- Operational General Manager (OGM)
- Exploration Manager (EM)
- Kepala Teknik Tambang (KTT)
- Site Manager (SM)
- Plant Manager (PM)
- HSE Manager / Superintendent / Supervisor (HSE)
- Mining Production Superintendent / Supervisor (MP)
- Logistic Manager / Superintendent / Supervisor (LOG)
- Purchasing Superintendent / Supervisor (PRC)
- Shipping Superintendent (SHIP)
- Environment Superintendent / Supervisor (ENVIRO)
- HRD & GA Manager / Superintendent /Supervisor (HRDGA)
- Industrial Doctor (DOC)
- Accounting Supervisor (ACC)
- Loading Master (LM)
- Master Marine (MM)
- Port Captain (PC)
- EDP Supervisor (EDP)
- Driller & Assistant Driller (DRILL)
- CSR / Community Development Supervisor (CSR)
- Analyst Supervisor (AS)
- Geologist (GEO)
- Grade Control (GC)
- Mine Planning Engineer (MPE)
- Heavy Equipment Maintenance Supervisor / Foreman (HEM)
- Head of Representative (HOR)
- Mine Road Construction Supervisor (MRC)
- Surveyor (SVY)
- HRD & GA Superintendent / Supervisor (HRDGA)
- Logistic Manager / Superintendent (LOG)
- Export-Import Supervisor (EXIM)
- Secretary to Director (SD)
- IT Programmer / Support (IT)
- Minimum 3 years experience in mining industry in the same position
- Willing to be placed in North Maluku, Halmahera Island, with rotation schedule
- Fluent in Mandarin / Hokian is a must for Export-Import & Secretary Director
If you have the attributes to meet the above challenging opportunities please forward your application with complete CV and photocopy of your most recent photograph by email before 7th May 2011 to:
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