Lowongan Kerja Bappenas
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
1. Senior Consultant
2. Yunior Consultant
To those interested in these vacancies, please send application for the advertised positions on the latest 13 May 2011 to:
Sekretariat P3B, BAPPENAS
JI. Tulung Agung No. 46 Menteng
Jakarta Pusat, 10310
Applicants shall observe the Terms of Reference posted at : http://www.bappenas.go.id for more detailed information on each post requirements. Please note that only short·listed candidates will be contacted.
UNDP and 8APPENAS promotes gender equality and strongly encourage women to apply for this post .
Indonesia Government planned to restore the reservoir function and anticipate the declining condition of large dams in Indonesia; Indonesian Government initiates Dam Operational Improvement and Safety Project (DOISP) which is a project loan from World Bank. The Procurement Committee of Bappenas is now inviting skilled, highly committed and dedicated Indonesian professionals to be part of the project, for the following positions:
Project Management Senior Expert (1 Person, 7 Months)
- Master Degree Civil Engineering (Water Resources/River Engineering)
- Minimal Experiences of 8 Years in Planning and Development of Dams, Flood Management, or Irrigation network (Preferably Large Scale/Integrated system).
- Have good experiences on Water Resources Infrastructure (Post-Construction) Performance Analysis.
- Have good experiences with monitoring and evaluation, livelihood sector and dam safety.
- Good Computer Literacy (preferable GIS)
- Good with statistics, survey analysis and tools
- Excellence in Writing and Oral English.
- Preferably experienced on working with Central Government, Local Government, and Donors.
Junior Expert for Water Resources Management (1 Person, 7 Months)
- Preferable master degree in Civil Engineering or Water Resources Engineering
- Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering or Water Resources Engineering
- Minimal Experiences of 3 Years in Planning and Development of Dams, Flood Management, or Irrigation network (Preferably Large Scale/Integrated system).
- Have good experiences with monitoring and evaluation
- Good with statistics, survey analysis and tools
- Excellence in Writing and Oral English.
- Preferably experienced on working with Central Government, Local Government, and Donors.
Express ion of Interest (Curriculum Vitae) must be sent to the address below not later than May 16th 2011.
Procurement Committee of Ministry of National Development Planning
National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas)
Contact Person: Ir. Hari Kristijo. MSc,
Gcdung Madiun Lantai Basement.
Ruang Sekretariat Pengadaan 8arang dan Jasa PHLN
Jalan Taman Suropati No.2. Jakarta Pusat 103 10. Indonesia
Phone: (021) 31936207 ext 3551 Fax: 31931392
Please E-mail to:pengadaanphln@bappenas.go.id
More detail info :
Senior Consultant, Junior Consultant
Lowongan Konsultan Project Management Senior Expert, Junior Expert for Water Resources Management